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Zombies! RP + Sign up Empty
PostSubject: Zombies! RP + Sign up   Zombies! RP + Sign up EmptyThu Jul 12, 2012 6:04 am

Yep, I know original.


They're not your neighbours anymore. Not your friends or your family. They're vicious, horrid, soulless, and hungry. They're your worst nightmare. At least, they're about to be.
In Shaun Rutledge's mind, humans are the plague of the earth. Humans have rid the world of it's former glory, and Shaun is going to put a stop to it. Unknown to the world, Shaun has been working on a project. An evil project, and he's just perfected it.
Shaun's aim? To plague humans with an even bigger plague than humans themselves. How? Zombies.


History (Optional):

Note: Don't worry about being accepted just post so I can add you to the list


Piper - 13 - Hazelnut
Eli - 15 - Hazelnut
Katrina (Kat) - 13 - DevineDelight~
Amy - 15 - Thunder

IC (In Character):

Shaun Rutledge was about to become the greatest hero the world has ever seen, it's just no one would appreciate him. He printed out the last farewell letter and put it in a folder. It was not a letter to anyone he knew, it was a letter to whatever came after this. Telling those who followed the plague that was humans not to make the same mistakes. Shaun turned to look at the person he had captured. They were in the city now, and his test subject was less than willing to co-operate.
"You should be proud. Your about to help the start of a revolution." Shaun said as he prepared the injection.
"No, your about to cause the biggest mass extinction since the dinosaurs." The girl countered as she struggled against her bonds, "Your evil."
"I'm the saviour of the world."
"Your a crazy maniac."
Shaun sighed, "I did hope you'd see sense. But some minds just aren't capable."
"You know what? Your a coward too." The girl stated.
"How so?" Shaun asked.
"You only have one injection. I take it you probably have an escape pod that your going to wait out the end of the world in."
"But my dear, the injection is for me." Shaun explained.
"Then what am I here for?"
"Well, even zombies need to eat." And then he injected himself.

And so the zombie apocalypse began.


Unaware of the start of the apocalypse just across the city, Piper was at school. She was sitting at the same boring desk looking out the same boring window at the same boring view.


Eli was closer to the building where Shaun was. He sat in class trying in vain to focus on what the history teacher was saying.

Last edited by hazelnut on Wed Aug 15, 2012 12:46 am; edited 2 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Zombies! RP + Sign up   Zombies! RP + Sign up EmptyTue Aug 07, 2012 10:18 am

Name: Katrina Nickname: Kat
Gender: Famale
Age: 13
Personality: Shy, interdependent, never smiles, brave, not really a social person, and observant.
Description: Average sized girl(5 feet and half an inch) that wears jeans and a T-shirt, pale white skin, short brown hair and hazel eyes. Her hair is died at the tips in a green color.
History (Optional): Her life is as dull and boring as any other. She is a new girl in town and hopes to make plenty of friends. Does not know about the apocalypse starting yet like most of the other side of town.
Other: She goes to the same school as Piper. She joined the soccer team and is pretty good at running. She has also been the only child so her parents make her take fencing, karate, and riding lessons. Most kids do not know she is an only child. Loves plants and animals and takes many notes on them in her head.

RP: Katrina:

Katrina sat in her class feeling bored but listened well to her teacher. She was not an all A kid but kept her ranks low at A and B grades. She took notes on most things during class. She was next to the classroom Piper was in.

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Zombies! RP + Sign up Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zombies! RP + Sign up   Zombies! RP + Sign up EmptyTue Aug 07, 2012 11:38 pm

Added :3 Lets get this show on the road!

Eli /!\ Warning Violence /!\

It had been little more than a few minutes after the launch when Eli began to see the first signs of the apocalypse. He himself did not have a window seat but the signs were first seen from the window.
"What the?" Said one of the other boys as he leaned towards the window.
"Felix! Do you see me out the window! The lesson is over here." The history teacher scolded. Felix did not look away, instead his eyes widened and he got out of his chair suddenly.
"Yuck! Oh Disgusting!" Felix said as he turned and bolted out the door.
"Felix! Come back here!" Yelled the teacher seeming to take no interest in what was outside, unlike his pupils. The class immediately crowded the window. Eli tried to get a view but having been on the other side of the room he was one of the last students to reach the windows. Screams were heard, people barfed and Eli was pretty sure he smelt the acrid scent of pee.
"What?" Eli asked still unable to get a view, "What's going on?" But the best he was rewarded with was a kid who tried to explain, but only managed stutters.
Eventually he managed to get to the front, and what he saw he would never forget. By that time little was left to show the prey was human. Its attacker looked injured itself but it was clearly human, or at least had been once. Then the thing paused from its meal as if sensing being watched. The thing's head slowly turned to face Eli, then it grinned. Showing all gore covered teeth. Eli barfed.

And so the zombie apocalypse spread.


The bell rang to signal the end of the period. Piper followed her classmates to lunch, blissfully unaware of the developing situation.

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Zombies! RP + Sign up Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zombies! RP + Sign up   Zombies! RP + Sign up EmptyWed Aug 08, 2012 9:52 am

Katrina was feeling slightly sick today, but she ignored it. She grabbed her lunch as the bell rung and she left to the cafeteria. She sat down at a table where maybe two or three other girls sat and she opened her lunch and started to eat it. I hope every day is as peaceful, she thought.

Which was going to be a lie in about 4 more hours because the apocalypse was spreading and everyone there at that school was unaware. Soon pictures will spread in minutes of what was happening and reach this part of town, how will this town handle there new apocalypse?, the question is just that.
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PostSubject: Re: Zombies! RP + Sign up   Zombies! RP + Sign up EmptyWed Aug 08, 2012 10:51 pm


The school had gone into immediate chaos. Eli was pretty sure no one at his school hadn't heard what had happened. Of course no one knew what was going on, and it didn't help that some teachers had bolted even quicker than Felix.
The situation was getting worse outside. More of the cannibals were outside now. They seemed to know that the school was full of defenseless children, but for now the teachers had locked the doors. The school itself was a fairly solid building. It was basically a concrete slab with windows on the higher levels, nothing fancy. At the moment Eli could see the things (he had no idea what to call them) were waiting outside, the doors holding them out. But Eli knew they could not stay inside forever. Eli didn't know how long he could sit here. Sighing, he went downstairs.


Piper's school was a more modern structure. It was covered in large windows and all and all lacked walls. She sat at the end of the same table Katrina sat at. That was another thing Piper's school lacked, tables. She and her best friend were forced to share the table.
Piper looked longingly at her friends lunch. Harriet always had delicious food and she never forgot it, unlike Piper. Harriet caught her friends gaze and sighed, but she handed over a muesli bar.
Piper smiled gratefully, "I'll pay you back."
Harriet humphed, "Sure you will."

Little did they know, Zombies were now little more than 2 blocks away.

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Zombies! RP + Sign up Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zombies! RP + Sign up   Zombies! RP + Sign up EmptyThu Aug 09, 2012 10:19 am

Katrina smiled at the two and reached over to Piper with a half sandwich, she mainly only ate healthy foods, so she thought it would be nice to give something to Piper,"Hey, whats your name? You can have this, its good for you, good things come from eating healthy." She said to Piper as Katrina was finishing her lunch.
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Zombies! RP + Sign up Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zombies! RP + Sign up   Zombies! RP + Sign up EmptyFri Aug 10, 2012 1:00 am


Piper looked at the girl with a shy smile, "I don't normally eat much. I'm good with the bar, but thanks anyway. I'm Piper." She said.

Zombies were now less than a block away.


The sound downstairs was terrible. There was a rhythmic thumping as whatever outside attempted to come in. Every now and then a large thump caused the small gathered group to look up in alarm. But the rest of the time the group looked somberly at the ground, not even acknowledging Eli.

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Zombies! RP + Sign up Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zombies! RP + Sign up   Zombies! RP + Sign up EmptyFri Aug 10, 2012 8:50 am

Katrina took it back and smiled,"I am Katrina, you may call me kat." she said softly. She then finished her lunch and threw the scraps away and sat down silently.
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PostSubject: Re: Zombies! RP + Sign up   Zombies! RP + Sign up EmptyFri Aug 10, 2012 5:26 pm


A kid screamed. Piper was among the group of people who immediately turned to their heads, though in hindsight she would have rather not been. For what her eyes rested on was a rather gruesome sight.
The Zombies had not yet reached the children. They watched from just outside the windows. Their eyes flicked around the room greedily. Glass shattered, more screams.
"Run!" Yelled the first person with common sense. Piper didn't argue. She abandoned her scavenged lunch and made a dash for the exit. Unfortunately, so did about every other student. It was chaos. The door was small and simply could not fit so many students through, but people were desperate. Meanwhile, the zombies made a cool calm approach to the kids.
Screams out in the corridor. Piper felt herself being pushed back away from the door, closer to mouths of the zombies in the cafeteria.
"There's more in the corridor!" Someone screeched over the panic confirming Piper's fears.

The Zombies were upon them.

[will edit with Eli's story later]
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Zombies! RP + Sign up Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zombies! RP + Sign up   Zombies! RP + Sign up EmptyFri Aug 10, 2012 5:43 pm

Kat was in the group trying to get out it was hopeless trying to get out, there were more in the corridor but she knew what she had to do. She glanced around the zombies that were coming in with amazement less frightened then the other kids. She had no idea what she could do, they were getting closer to the group. She remained calm as the other kids tried going through. She gave up though she went behind the group and glanced around for a weapon in the cafeteria. There was almost nothing until suddenly, she spotted the flag pole, a sharp curve at the top but closer to the zombies she had to take her chances on this. She saw piper and whispered,"Wish me good luck." as she ran through the zombies barely missing her. She grabbed the flag pole as the zombies tried going after her instead."She then waved the flag in the air trying to make as much noise as possible. most zombies turned and saw her and slowly crept up. She stared at all the other kids and frowned. It seemed as if there were only ten of them in here maybe safer in here then there is out there but she was risking her life for her classmates. She watched as they were leaving as she waved the flag. she got up to a higher place and tried getting most of their attention. Some kids in places they were being eaten and she only watched and was ready to kill what ever came near her. Lucky for her the flag pole weighed less then she did.
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PostSubject: Re: Zombies! RP + Sign up   Zombies! RP + Sign up EmptyFri Aug 10, 2012 6:02 pm


Piper blinked in surprise as Kat whispered in her ear. But as soon as Kat left the group of struggling bodies she lost interest. Piper could hear screams all around her and she wasn't sure she wanted to see Kat become another one of them.
Next to her, a kid was grabbed. She screamed as the Zombie pulled her away from the group and she fell to the ground. The poor girl grabbed around desperately trying to get a hold on something, anything. Her eyes traveled up and Piper was able to recognize her, it was Harriet.
Without thinking Piper sprinted at the Zombie. Her feet found its chest and with an almighty kick she forced the thing away. Immediately she searched for a weapon. Piper's hands tightened around a metal chair and she swung it at the zombie as it attempted to regain it's balance. The good news: Piper hit the zombie, The bad news: The chair wedged itself into it's rib cage and wouldn't budge.
The truth was Piper was no hero. She grabbed her friends hand and ran. The other zombies clearly sensed they could get easier meals from the panicking group and made little effort to stop them. Piper took it as a blessing and ran.

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Zombies! RP + Sign up Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zombies! RP + Sign up   Zombies! RP + Sign up EmptyFri Aug 10, 2012 6:21 pm

Kat swatted at one or two zombies trying to get her as she watched Piper run with Harriet. She jumped on top of a zombie and made a path as most of them went after the panicking group. She ran after Piper and her friend as she glanced around at all the zombies that were near them. She ripped off the flag and made it float away across the ground and so it was just another sharp pole. She held it tightly as she followed the two girls to help them.
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Zombies! RP + Sign up Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zombies! RP + Sign up   Zombies! RP + Sign up EmptyFri Aug 10, 2012 9:02 pm


Piper ran out of the school grounds and surveyed the situation. Most of the houses had been busted open, except one. It's door had an very odd paint job. The door was splattered in red and looked like it had been done without brushes. The doormat matched the blood red door... oh. Piper turned away.
Zombies roamed the streets. They weren't like your movie zombies, they seemed to have a mind. They knew how to do things, they just had no morals left.
"Over there!" Harriet whispered and pointed to a building on their right. It had been abandoned years ago so the job of boxing it up had been done for them. Piper had been there before, with Harriet. When they were younger they had tried to make it their playhouse. But the fact of having to share it with spiders and cockroaches had put them off. Spiders didn't really seem to matter anymore though. They ran for the building.
Piper scrambled up rope ladder that lead to the top of the tree and Harriet followed suit. Then, it was a leap from the trees thick limb to the window. This may seem simple, but the jump was across a two story gap. And believe it or not his made the task daunting. Harriet jumped across but Piper waited to see if Kat would follow them up the rope ladder, so she could pull it up after.

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PostSubject: Re: Zombies! RP + Sign up   Zombies! RP + Sign up EmptyFri Aug 10, 2012 9:09 pm

Katrina made was caught by a zombies grip but luckily she had kicked it with her leg, she made it at least go 3 feet away from her. She ran and threw the pole away as she climbed up the latter quickly. She had caught up with them in time. Her heart still pumped fast.
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PostSubject: Re: Zombies! RP + Sign up   Zombies! RP + Sign up EmptyFri Aug 10, 2012 9:33 pm


As soon as Kat was up the ladder Piper pulled it up. Zombies moaned and groaned below them. None of them quite formulated word. Even though Piper wasn't cold, she shivered.
Piper made the jump herself. In the corner of the room Harriet was sobbing. Piper made her way over to her. "It's OK Hare." She whispered, "Where safe now. They can't get us here." I hope, she added silently.
Harriet moved violently pushing Piper to the other side of the room. "Stay away from me!" She screamed. Piper blinked in surprise as she fell to the floor.
"I'm sorry." Harriet whispered shaking her head in apology. Her eyes met Piper's once again and Piper could see just how scared she was.
"Harriet, What's wrong?" Piper asked, getting to her feet once again, though she was pretty sure she already knew.
Harriet winced as she moved her leg. On it was a ghastly wound. The edges looked like they were bubbling and the edges of the looked rotten. It took all of Piper's strength not to lose the lunch she had managed to eat.
"It bit me." Harriet whispered so quietly it came out more like a tiny breath.

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Zombies! RP + Sign up Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zombies! RP + Sign up   Zombies! RP + Sign up EmptyFri Aug 10, 2012 9:53 pm

Kat watched all the zombies below them with curiosity. She had never seen such things, it freaked her out but she stayed calm. New things always freak people out, why did she have to move to this town though? she asked herself as she turned to Harriet who cried. She then saw the wound and luckily just was strong enough to hold her vomit back some. She watched the two from a few paces behind. She herself had bruises and had a scratch that seemed to be healing, but it did not bubble in Harriet's case. She went over to her and shook her violently,"You have time! Just calm down! We all need to calm down and take deep breathes!" she then ripped off the bottom of her shirt. She went back to harriet and tried calming her down,"Just take deep breathes for me I will see to this..."she said as she crouched down and held her leg tightly above the wound. She poured some of her canteen water she had around her waste onto the leg and watched as some "stuff" came out with it. It had cleaned some of it as she examined it she spoke softly,"I have watched ER shows, but this is new. Fascinating, and gross, but it seems infected, sometimes infected wounds the only way to survive is to ........ amputate it or let it circulate through your body....maybe die.... Science lessons!" she pointed out. She wrapped her ripped shirt around her leg tightly. Then she got up and stared at her hands,"I do not know if I should touch anything else...."She trailed off and got out her trusty hand sanitizer squeezing all of it out onto her hands and rubbing them to let them get less germy. She then turned back to them,"So, I always have a handy sanitizer and water canteen." She then went back to her silent personality.
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Zombies! RP + Sign up Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zombies! RP + Sign up   Zombies! RP + Sign up EmptyFri Aug 10, 2012 10:54 pm


Harriet watched but Piper could see she had already given up.
"This is it." Harriet muttered for about the hundredth time, "I gonna become one of them." Her condition had worsened, she was shivering uncontrollably now, and every now and then a much more violent spasm went through her.
"Hey now! This isn't some Hollywood movie Hare. In real life people don't change into monsters just because they've been bitten." Piper soothed.
"Oh yeah? Then how did all those people get like that. They've been bitten Piper. You know that! Admit.." Another spasm coursed through her, stopping her sentence. "Get back! Put me out the window now!" Harriet demanded, but Piper stood frozen to the spot.

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Zombies! RP + Sign up Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zombies! RP + Sign up   Zombies! RP + Sign up EmptyFri Aug 10, 2012 11:06 pm

Katrina only stood there and watch. Finally she had enough courage to speak again,"Do not give up, you must fight it Harriet. Those people gave up and became them. They became monsters because they gave up! Now come on, fight it!" She yelled the last part and stared down at her feet.
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Zombies! RP + Sign up Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zombies! RP + Sign up   Zombies! RP + Sign up EmptySat Aug 11, 2012 3:00 am


Piper looked at her friend desperately, "Come on! Be fair! You've hardly given me anytime to pay you back for lunch!" She tried for a smile but her heart wasn't in it.
Then Harriet changed.
Suddenly her violent twitching seized. Harriet's face twisted in pain and then she went slack. Piper mouth dropped, believing her friend had just died before her, but then she heard a groan. It was a deep, mournful groan. Harriet's arm stretched out, and the thing (as Piper was quickly coming to the conclusion that it was no longer her best friend) tried to stand up. Piper hit it with a piece of wood. It fell back down. Holding back her tears, Piper used the wood like a broom and swept the thing to the window. It was weak, but getting stronger by the second. She allowed it to stand. It growled and roared.
"I'm sorry." Piper whispered, and pushed it out the window. The no-longer-Harriet-thing fell to what should have been its death, or at least serious injury. But as Piper peered out the window, she saw it get back up. Suddenly, Piper could not hold back the tears.

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Zombies! RP + Sign up Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zombies! RP + Sign up   Zombies! RP + Sign up EmptySat Aug 11, 2012 11:27 am

(For some reason I am laughing at these posts XD)

Katrina was stunned that she could actually be able to do that. Looking around she went over to the window to see the zombies below. She then started to speak,"We have to go back down there..... we can not possibly survive by staying in one place. I think its better if we get out of here and search, we need weapons though...." her plan was actually wanting to lead the two of them to her house. She stared at Piper and told the teary eyed girl,"I know that its hard to let go, but you want to survive, she wanted you to survive through this........ Where do you live?" She asked her as she searched her pickets and took out her phone and went to a map device.
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PostSubject: Re: Zombies! RP + Sign up   Zombies! RP + Sign up EmptySat Aug 11, 2012 4:29 pm


Piper did not like crying. She felt stupid crying in front of Katrina, a girl she barely knew. Piper took in a deep breath and banished the tears from her eyes with the flick of her hand.
"We should search this place." Piper replied, "It's pretty run down, but we might find something. Food would be good, weapons would be better." Before she started towards the interior door, she glanced once more out the window. A few zombies had gathered below, around 8 or so, sensing fresh meat.
From here she had a reasonable view of the school. The screaming had stopped now and only the unsettling noises of the undead could be heard. Piper could barely recognize the now zombiefied kids she went to school with. One kid as a result from the feeding frenzy lacked legs. He dragged himself across the court yard with his arms. Another zombie lacked arms and legs, though it still remained a vibrating undead torso. Piper turned away.

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PostSubject: Re: Zombies! RP + Sign up   Zombies! RP + Sign up EmptySat Aug 11, 2012 4:46 pm

Katrina agreed with her idea and searched the place, trying to ignore the noises of the zombies below. She could tell that the screams had stop. Searching around, she could tell some wood was rotting and others were new.
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PostSubject: Re: Zombies! RP + Sign up   Zombies! RP + Sign up EmptySat Aug 11, 2012 7:03 pm


Piper looked around the other rooms. The place was reasonably empty. A few piles of scrap wood lay around the place. She gathered some wood in the room they had come into originally but the closest she struck to gold was some old metal pipes she had managed to rip out of the wall.
Piper sighed, "Okay, this is the closest to weapons we're going to find. What do you want to do now? I.. I want to check on my family." Though in truth Piper wasn't sure if she did. With everything that was going on what was to say here parents managed to stay alive as well?

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PostSubject: Re: Zombies! RP + Sign up   Zombies! RP + Sign up EmptySat Aug 11, 2012 7:08 pm

Kat took a pipe from her and stared at her. She then told her,"We can both go to our parents houses, just tell me how close your house is." She said to her as she examined the pipe she held in her hands.
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PostSubject: Re: Zombies! RP + Sign up   Zombies! RP + Sign up EmptySat Aug 11, 2012 7:14 pm


"It's only a short walk away. You just have to follow the main road for a while. I live at Pinecone Apartments." Piper explained.

Eli (Finally)

Eli raced down the suburban street. His own personal nightmare of assorted old lady zombies followed closely. At least the talking one had shut up after Eli had destroyed its jaw, the bottom of its mouth now only just hanged on. Finally his eyes rested on the prize he was searching for, a car.
How did Eli get here you might ask? Well the theories on the beginning of man are debatable but how he managed to get himself into this mess is a much simpler story. The zombies got into the school and long story short Eli had run to the car park where he had taken a crash course in driving.
Eli had thought he had been doing pretty well until he had drove into the old peoples home. The zombiefied old peoples home. Then to make it even better the car had stalled. This is what some people might call a 'Bad Day'.

Last edited by hazelnut on Sat Aug 11, 2012 7:29 pm; edited 1 time in total
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